Actually USB charging backpack, more accurately, it never started. The 1/4 inch plate tended to bend rather than engage the tire. I couldn’t get enough traction to kick over the engine. Ithaca police said in a statement that they are investigating the incident, “including the elements that this assault was based on racial bias.”Police spokesman Jamie Williamson told The Washington Post that racial slurs were used during the attack but said he could not confirm which ones because no one has been charged with a hate crime at this time. He also said he could not confirm whetherGreenwood was the one who usedthe slurs.Psi Upsilon Executive Director Thomas Fox saidWednesday that no one matchingGreenwood’s name is a member but referred The Post to a statementthat saysthe fraternity wasalerted to “analleged hate crime involving members affiliated with the Chi Chapter of Psi Upsilon at Cornell University.”Greenwoodis set to appear in court Sept. 27.His attorney, Raymond M.
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