It was certainly a timely follow up to John’s attack on Paul in the song “How Do You Sleep?” from the album Imagine,[3][5] which had apparently been in retaliation for Paul’s perceived digs at John in “Too Many People” on Ram.[6][7] Music critic Ian MacDonald used “Dear Friend” as a counter argument to the caricature of McCartney as an emotional lightweight.[8]Wild Life also included a reggae remake of Mickey Sylvia’s 1957 top 40 hit “Love Is Strange”.[4] A promotional single was distributed in the UK by Apple in December 1971 with catalogue No. R5932 micro bead extensions, but the commercial release was cancelled due to poor album sales.[3]After announcing to the media the band’s formation on 2 August 1971, the group were named “Wings” on 9 October.[3] On 8 November, the group held a press party in London to announce both the group and Wild Life, which was released on 7 December, in both the UK and US,[3] to lukewarm critical and commercial reaction. The album reached number 11 in the UK and number 10 in the US, where it went gold.
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