Holmes, who was by then married to the porn star Misty Dawn. ”I wanted him to see how well I was doing,” she says. ”I wanted to show him how good he’d had it and that he was the one who blew it.”. Burke became a blond for the short lived sitcom Delta (1992), in which she portrayed an aspiring country music singer.[5] When ratings plummeted, Burke became a brunette again. In 1995 swimwear sale, she and Linda Bloodworth Thomason reconciled their differences, and Burke returned as Suzanne Sugarbaker in Women of the House (1995), but that show also met an early demise. She became a much parodied figure in the press due to the media’s incessant obsession with her weight, including in a skit on Saturday Night Live, wherein Leon Phelps from The Ladies Man has a sexual fixation with her.

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