In the mid 1990s, Brewster moved to San Francisco and enrolled

Lewis was born in 1935 to the poor farming family of Elmo and Mamie Lewis in Ferriday human hair wigs, Concordia Parish, in eastern Louisiana.[15] In his youth human hair wigs, he began playing piano with two of his cousins, Mickey Gilley (later a popular country music singer) and Jimmy Swaggart (later a popular television evangelist). His parents mortgaged their farm to buy him a piano. Lewis was influenced by a piano playing older cousin human hair wigs, Carl McVoy (who later recorded with Bill Black’s Combo), the radio, and the sounds from Haney’s Big House, a black juke joint across the tracks.[16] On the live album By Request, More of the Greatest Live Show on Earth human hair wigs, Lewis is heard naming Moon Mullican as an artist who inspired him..

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