May 2015 Archives


Looking at the map, the Grand River is anything but a straight

Scerwup 13 points submitted 2 days agoIf you’re too prideful to get a job because…

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I had a pretty severe attack while in the dairy unit milking

We discussing consequences for hate speech. Which again. Not free speech.. I currently able to…

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The new coach and every draft pick tht built this team

And then. The new coach and every draft pick tht built this team. I now…

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Think that there nothing I can do myself

Until Kite, the Girls with Guns genre followed the template set by Dirty Pair: comical…

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I also read that it holds liquids better depending on the side

Pick a time and place to take a test when you’ve not already got extra…

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It is how we use our pain to motivate us to give happiness to

Swimming can be a bit of an obstacle for people who are nearsighted. The water…

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How are you doing now? You got food? You got what you need?

Like many Yankees’ fans, I spent last Saturday watching the coverage of Jeter getting his…

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The former Kmart and LA Fitness locations on Jonestown Road in

This era in which we are living is the age if communication. The older ways…

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It a bit messy, since MLS is the American Tier 1 and the

Its total discrimination toward disabled at the moment and in one of the richest countries…

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Just keep living and making every day worth it and the person

To start I should mention that this review will likely only be helpful to other…

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